Hey guys, happy (late) new year!
This is what I predict for this year; even less songs than 09. The reason is that I'm continuing to learn that taking my time on my music is the way to go. Loops will probably be the general thing you guys will see for the next few months until I get a new computer. (And I am expected to get a new one!)
I got a good haul this christmas.
-An M-Audio KeyRig 49
-A pair of sennheiser headphones
-a 640 GB harddrive (all my samples and FL Studio stuff will eventually get onto there, it's taking a huge chunk of my HD at the moment.
-Assassin's Creed 1 and 2
-Modern Warfare 2
-Forza 3
(and no, I don't have XBL)
-Some other assorted shirts and some money/giftcards
So there you have it. The key rig is great, though I'm still trying to reduce the insane amount of latency.
My new years resolution (more like a goal) is to get a song sold. It might not happen this year, but I'm aiming to do so before i get out of highschool in 2012.
Pax! :D
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Alright people, I've gotten FL to work a bit better, it was ASIO4All that was causing my soundcard to malfunction. It still freezes FL from time to time though, so there may be a few new songs here and there.
Also, there is a new clone user of me, dubbed "Kaizerwoif." Replacing the l with an i makes his/her name look like mine. This is NOT ME.
That is all. Pax.
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Well guys, I've run into a huge issue. My computer is a mess. Literally.
Now, i don't mean dirty and oozing some odd green fluid, i mean dying. Let me explain..
My Sound Card is crapping out. I can no longer run FL Studio or even AUDACITY (for the love of..) for more than a few minutes before my computer freezes and the tower becomes unresponsive unless i use the panic switch in the back.
My Hard Drive is certainly trying to suicide. I've hastily backed up my files, because I'm thinking that one day it'll crash and won't be able to recover anything. My computer has a nasty habit of restarting randomly during ANY program that uses 95+%, which means I can't run games for more than a half an hour, give or take a few.
I can't insert discs into my CDROM drive. Something is up with the powersupply and motherboard, so until i take the CD out, my computer will go through an endless cycle of restarts.
Only 2 of the 4 USB ports on this thing work. One is cracked around the metal that holds it, and the other one short circuits the tower when you plug something in, and the tower wont turn on for a while. I had to buy a separate port and plug it into one of the good tower ports, and the other usable port holds the wireless mouse and keyboard sensor, which is ALSO failing!
The main point of this is that song production has stopped now, save some small occasional loops. Sorry to any fans i may have, and i know there aren't many.
Time for an upgrade, yeh? And it's close to Christmas too! :D
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Holy crap, I really can't believe it's November. It's close to Thanksgiving (YUM!) and Christmas. (YAY!) I'm not asking for a whole lot this Christmas, but I do have a few musical things in mind!
-an M-Audio KeyRig 49, I've gotta have at least something that I can play on!
-Possibly a new soundcard
-an external hard drive for my music library and assorted FL Studio products
Other than that, it's just a few videogames (Forza 2 and Lost Planet 2) and moneyz.
And, at the moment, my good buddy modem and I are collaborating on a project! For that new Collab EP thing over on the BBS. We've already for a solid start, and let me tell you guys, it sounds amazing! modem is great to work with, his style really matches mine. Hopefully, this turns out really epicly, and with any luck we can get onto the CD! :D
Till next time, pax folks and fans. :)
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Okay guys, I'm not dead! :D
I figured I'd post an update. The NG 1MM has come to a major halt, we've gotten no response from any of the users in groups 2 and 3... It's a shame really, this could have turned out very well. It's failure was partly my fault; modem had originally planned for a "true remix collab" of sorts, where the users integrated parts of the previous song into their own; i told everyone to just make a 1 minute song at 127 BPM. So modem, I'm sorry this whole thing fell apart. I do hope you get some money to jump start you're life again. :)
The NG 1MM was not an entire failure, however, as modem was able to compile thefirst group's songs , and it turned out pretty nicely despite the really hard bit crushing.
I've got some new material on the way; I'm spending way more time on making my songs as good as possible, without rushing to finish them. I used to pump out songs daily or every few days; now I'm hard pressed to submit one once per week. Just goes to show how I'm still learning. :D
Pax folks. :D
Awesome! A new collab, featuring a ton of NG Artists. Here's the list so far...
(((NOTICE; Since we've had some trouble with this, please PM THE NEXT USER IN LINE ONCE YOUR SONG IS FINISHED. Also, there is a three day limit on your song.If you do not finish withint the time limit, you will be removed. Also send you're finished track in a WAV/AIFF format to modem. He's the one who will put everything together.)))
Part 1
01. Steak89/Stupor (Done)
02. Kaizerwolf (Done)
03. Flaming Firebolt (Done)
04. SineRider (Done)
05. DJ-Bert (Done)
06. modem (Done)
07. vanguard182 (done)
08. PearlDrummer516 (should be working)
09. JoHobo2
Part 2
1) TheCoreMan (Done)
2) gregaaron89 (done)
3) Joonho (Done)
4) iceblueglow (done)
5) MerlinsBeard (done)
6) itsfoxhall (working)
7) DJ-Chilvan
8) astheashesdecay
9) Koriigahn
10) Spikrodd
Part 3
1) Box-Killa (done)
2) F-777 (done)
3) TripleStar (working)
4) Thorsell
5) Uluse
6) newgeneral
7) LightKeeper
8) Nechura
(8-30-09) All slots filled! Sorry guys. However, if there are enough people who still want in, i might be able to make a group 4.
Split into 3 groups because it's easier to control that way. Some useful links to check out as well, pertaining to this contest...
modem's Page
The NG One Minute Massacre BBS Thread.
People wishing to join this collab should post in the thread, not in my comments section. Leave a comment if:
1. You are dropping out.
2. You have a question.
I will use this thread to keep people updated on the status of each group. Yey!
A new fractal that I'm too lazy to put onto the Art board right now.