Oh my...
Fucking A, man, I've lost track of everything, some of which is your music. I apologize for the lack of reviews in the past few months.
Now, only one word comes to my mind for this song; Sublime.
Honestly, it's one of the most chill things you've done. Working in dubstep has really altered your music style, and I think for the better! This song has a lot going for it, so let's ge the old gears running and get this started!
1. The overall quality. Man have I ever heard something as sharp and professional sounding as this! The mixing and sound quality is amazing, there isn't any clipping or clashing tones.
2. Percussion. Very punchy. It works well for the more ambient background in the song. It needs a good beat to carry it along, and I think what you have is simplistic but smooth. Nice job here, you've always been spot on with percussion.
3. Synths and Such. Wonderful job. I can see that this is a compilation sort of song, and I don't know if any of the melodies and sounds are yours, but bravo man! Everything was really smooth and soft, not too overpowering or anything.
4. Composition of other works: Props to you sir! And thanks for the honor of using a part of one of my songs in this one. Excellent job with mixing everyone's bits in, nothing felt out of place or clashed with the rest of the song.
Overall, it's a damn good song buddy. I'm definitely downloading this one. Honestly, you've improved, a lot, I think. Your music now sounds very professional, yet you really avoid the stereotypes of the hip-hop or dubstep genre. I can definitely see you making money off of this sort of thing.
Awesome job man. Again I apologize for the lack of reviews on your songs, but you better be sure I'm coming back!
Excellent work. I look forward to more! :D